Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day Camp

JUNE 2-6, 2008
Day Camp is an important part of the Scouting program and the Pelathe district has become well known in hosting an event that is fun, exciting, and memorable for the Cub Scouts. A great experience for the Cubs encourages them to stay in the Scouting program and start down the trail to Eagle.
Event details:
The specific list of activities and daily schedule has not been published as of 3/11/08. When it is released, they will be posted on this site.
I want my kid to attend Day Camp. How do I sign-up?
Contact your den leader and tell them you want to attend camp or contact Joe at or 841-9405.
I need to know if your son is attending camp and the appropriate fee paid to Pack 3052 by April 7th.
The fee schedule is as follows:
Before April 9th $45
After April 9th $60
New registered Scouts will pay $45 with no late fee if after April 9th.
Can I apply for a camping scholarship to help with camp fees?
Yes, the deadline for turning that form into your den leader or cubmaster is March 24th. You can print off the form by using the link at the bottom of this blogsite. New scouts joining after April can also submit a scholarship form, but they could receive partial scholarship based on available funds.
Do I need to help at camp?
Each parent is asked to help at camp by working as a Walking Leader on one of the five days of camp. We will be required to provide 1 Walking Leader for each 5 scouts, but details about this are still pending and will be published on this site as soon as we get it. In the meantime, please look at that week and see if there is a day that you can come to camp. There is no fee for Walking Leaders.
Youth Protection Training
All parents helping at camp need to complete Youth Protection Training. There will be classes coming up in April, May and the night before camp starts. It can also be completed on-line. There is a link at the bottom of this blogsite that will take you to the training site.
Walking Leader Training
All parents are encouraged to attend a Walking Leader training class. This class will tell you all about Day Camp plus time for questions and answers. As a bonus, the Youth Protection training is usually included. When the dates are released for this class they will be posted on this site.
What else do I need to know?
If you attend a Walking Leader training class you will know it all. But, in general here is a list of needs.
-Each scout needs to wear their camp shirt each day of scouts regardless of how dirty it may be. They don't allow non-camp shirts because it makes it harder to tell the difference between a scout at camp and a child that walks up to the camp to watch.
-Each scout needs to pack lunch. All lunches will be put in a refrigerator for storage until lunch.
-Each scout needs to carry a water bottle with them during camp.
-They need to wear shoes not sandals because they will play various field sports like kickball.
-Pack non-aerosol sunscreen or bug spray.

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